Public Affairs
“We regularly advise companies, professional associations and lobbying firms in their dealings with public decision-makers. CARVE is notably a partner of Cedap which gathers nearly 280 leaders of French professional organizations”.
Analyzing existing or future regulations
Regulatory watch – Providing insight on the decision-making process both at French and European level – Reviewing the legal issues raised by a regulation – Assessing the compliance of an existing or future regulation with the French Constitution or European Law – etc.
Drafting legal arguments
Drafting memorandums and white papers for public decision-makers – Drafting contributions to regulatory authorities – Referrals to the French Competition Authority for its opinion on a draft regulation – Submitting contributions to the French Conseil constitutionnel and the French Conseil d’Etat -etc.
Regulatory litigation
Actions for annulment – Applications for a priority ruling on the issue of constitutionality – Proceedings before the EU Commission and the courts of the Union (complaints, preliminary rulings, actions for annulment, actions for failure to act, requests for interim measures) – etc.
Interactions with the French High Autority for transparency with public life (HATVP)
Registration in the French public register of lobbyists – Drafting and submitting annual activity reports - Implementation of codes of conduct – Assistance during HATVP inspections – etc.