EU Law
“CARVE helps its clients to acquire a better grasp of the European regulatory environment ralated to their activities and assists them in their dealings with the EU institutions”.
EU regulations
Providing insight on the decision-making process - Analysing the existing or future EU regulations - Drafting legal arguments and position papers
Actions before the EU Commission
Lodging applications for access to documents of the EU institutions - Drafting and submitting complaints to the EU Commission - Assistance in processing requests from the EU Commission (drafting position papers, replying to questionnaires, interviews and hearing preparation) - Drafting responses to public consultations - Assistance in proceedings in connection with alleged anti-competitive practices - etc.
Proceedings before the courts of the Union
Assisting in proceedings brought before the courts of the Union (preliminary rulings, actions for annulment, actions for failure to act, liability claims, requests for interim measures, anti-competitive practices litigation) - etc.
Public procurement and European programmes
Assistance in responding to European calls for tenders and calls for programmes - Advising in proceedings relating to the granting or withdrawal of European funds - etc.