Competition – Regulatory – FDI
"CARVE has extensive experience in competition and regulatory laws, enabling it to tailor strategies for each of its clients to give them a competitive edge in their markets."
Merger control
Analysis of the controllability of transactions - Merger control filings (mainly before the French Competition Authority or the European Commission) - Design and monitoring of commitments - Third party observations to oppose mergers pending before competition authorities - etc.
Proceedings before the French Competition Authority or the European Commission and their supervisory courts - Private enforcement in the context of competition damage claims - Advice on the implementation of commercial projects or compliance actions - Criminal competition law - etc.
Sectoral regulations
Advice and litigation relating to certain sectors of the economy (agriculture, health, energy, postal services, etc.) or certain activities (digital platforms in particular) which are governed by specific regulations. CARVE has extensive experience with professional and interbranch organisations, particularly in the agricultural sector.
State Aid
Advice on structuring operations with regard to the rules of State Aids law - Assistance in obtaining approval for State Aids or contesting the granting of State Aids - Litigation in relation to the legality of European Commission decisions or in the context of follow-on litigations in the event of the granting of unlawful State Aids - etc.
Foreign direct investment in France
Assessing whether an investment falls within the scope of the French FDI regime – Drafting and submitting applications for authorization or confirmation on whether the contemplated investment is subject to prior authorization - Negotiation of the undertakings to be taken by the foreign investor – Drafting and submitting requests for review of undertakings – Assistance in enforcement procedures – etc.